
Send Globally

Which countries are available for Send Globally?

You can use Send Globally to send cash to foreign currency accounts in the countries listed below, with the funds being delivered as local currency. Strike doesn’t operate in those countries, but engages with third-party partners to facilitate Send Globally transactions.

To send cash, follow these steps.

Country Minimum per transaction Maximum per transaction
Benin €5 €900
Brazil €5 €900
Ghana €5 €900
Guatemala €1 €900
Ivory Coast €5 €900
Kenya €5 €900
Mexico €1 €900
Nigeria €5 €900
Philippines €1 €750
Rwanda €5 €900
Senegal €5 €900
Togo €5 €900
Vietnam €6 €400

If your personal sending limit is less than the maximum amount, then your personal limit will be your effective sending limit.

Strike is working continuously to add more countries to Send Globally. Follow Strike on social media for the latest updates on country availability.

If your business would like to use Send Globally to make international cash or bitcoin payments, contact [email protected].

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