
Account settings

How do I change the font size in the Strike app?

You can increase or decrease the font size of your Strike app within your phone’s settings by following the steps below:

For iPhone

  1. Open your iPhone’s Settings
  2. Select “Accessibility”
  3. Select “Per-App Settings”
  4. Tap “Add App” and add STRIKE to your App Customization list
  5. Select the Strike app
  6. Tap “Larger Text” and then adjust the sizing slider to your preferred setting

You can also change the font sizes for all apps on your iPhone by following the first two steps, then selecting “Display & Text Size”, then “Larger Text”, and setting your preferred text size for your entire phone.

For Android

  1. Open your phone’s settings
  2. Select “Display”
  3. Select “Display size and text”
  4. Adjust the Font size slider to your preferred setting